Wednesday, October 29, 2008

#5 What is that thing?

What is that thing?
This is ugly creature is the Long Nailed Ratbat. The LNR for short is the ugliest animal you will ever see. It has large ears that are great for earing and big pop out eyes. It has nails 2 inches long and a long nasty tail. It also has a thin layer of pointy white hair covering its body.
The LNR is great though for scary the local children. This wild animal is ususally found in Africa and is used there as a scare crow type thing. And believe me no birds, of bugs go into that field. The LNR is also on the indangered animlas list because people in Africa kill them as a sport.
Even though the LNR is a scary looking animal it is very gently and doesn't like to bite. It's a very loving animal and is good with small children. It loves attention and eating green grapes in front of cartoons on Saturday mornings. If intersested in this loving, ugly animal please call 1-800-578-9393 or you can visit Africa, but I suggest calling.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

#4 Flying Cars

Flying Car with Personal Hologram

I know what you're thinking
A flying car with a personal hologram it's to good to be true
For only 100 million dollars it can be yours
Don't let this offer fly by without you
With the hologram you can get all your work done without leaving your car
Plus with the flying car you can forget about hitting rush hour traffic
Why wouldn't you want this fantastic car
The hologram can even drive for you, just don't let it go in the rain
The best thing about this awesome car is that you can use it anytime or anywhere
So don't hesitate to call 1-800-flyingcars