Wednesday, November 12, 2008

IQ Test for Parents

It seems like the parents of today just are not as smart as they used to be. Now a days parents will give their children anything so they don't have to deal with them. You know what you get when you give your children everything they want? You get bratty, snotty, spoiled rotten kids. To pervent wanna be parents from becoming parents they should have to take IQ test. Nothing to hard, but something at least. Plus beside getting spoiled, bratty kids, you also get kids who are running around with little to no supervision. With no supervision kids run around doing anything they want and getting in trouble. If parents had to take an IQ test then they could see if they were going to be good parents. At least they would have some idea and they could better themselfs before having children, or at least warn other people that they weren't going to be good parents. I think this is a really good law that should be inforced right away.


Ursa Major said...

I wouldn't vote for this law primarily because IQ does not necessarily determine whether someone would be a good parent or not. Besides, wouldn't this be discrimination, allowing only some people to have children? How would the government decide who should have kids and who shouldn't? If this law was passed, I'd probably break it intentionally in rebellion. (Unless there were severe consequences, like the mother wouldn't be admitted to the hospital.) In theory this could work, but attempted utopian societies have never succeeded.

SGirl said...

I agree with this law completely. 100% all the way! Some parents out there are SO stupid I don't even know how they have mangaged to make it to their current age! And by having klids, that just makes them 100 times dumber! An IQ test would prevent teens keeping kids as well. Only qualified parents would have kids! This law is what we need!